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Year in Review — A Look Back at 2018
2018 has been a great year for Creative Machines! We have installed our public art pieces in extraordinary cities around the country,...

Camaraderie selected in 2018 CODAawards Top 100
Camaraderie has been selected in CODAworx‘s Top 100 commissioned art and design projects of 2018! Now, we need YOUR help with votes to...

Camaraderie Completed!
At the beginning of the year, Camaraderie was installed at a brand new, state of the art, veterans clinic in San Jose, California. As the...

Camaraderie Installed!
“When you are in a dangerous spot, no one wants to be alone. We have to survive together.” “We never forget the people we served with....

Camaraderie Ships to San Jose
The fabrication of Camaraderie is complete! If you haven’t been following our progress, Camaraderie is a series of 3 stainless steel...

Camaraderie Testing!
After Camaraderie was finished in the metal shop, the sculptures were handed over to our electronics team to begin installing and testing...
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