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Din Don Install Complete!
The Din Don restoration and re-installation at Kobe Harborland in Kobe, Japan is now complete! The immense sculpture that was originally...

Incrediball Journey through Stanford Campus
Incrediball Journey through Stanford Campus is a new Ball Machine Sculpture being built for the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. The...

New Details from PSH Ball Machine!
Check out some exclusive images of the whimsical devices to be included in one of our upcoming Ball Machine Sculptures! Stay tuned for...

Din Don Installation!
Our ball machine team began the rigorous process of restoring the towering Din Don ball machine in 2016. After many years of bringing...

Din Don Restoration Update
Our ball machine team has been busy meticulously cleaning, repairing and reconstructing Din Don, a monumental ball machine sculpture from...

Best of Instagram!
We love seeing your photos of our public art on social media. This week we collected some of our favorite shots from Instagram to share....
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