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Giant Guitar

Giant Guitar is an interactive sound exhibit featuring a guitar scaled up to 23ft long that explores resonance and musical tones. Visitors can climb inside and experience how the plucking of the strings is amplified through the resonating wood of the interior of the guitar body.

Visitors can interact with the guitar by strumming from both the outside and inside the guitar. They can compress the strings by hand to change the tones. There is an adjustable capo that can also alter the tones of the guitar on all six strings. Visitors are encouraged to slide the capo along all eight of the frets on the neck of the guitar to see how the tone changes.

Exhibit concept designs provided by Gyroscope Inc.


MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration and Innovation, Santa Barbara, CA  

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Creative Machines Inc.

4141 E. Irvington Rd.

Tucson, Arizona 85714


Our Creative Machines shop is located on the ancestral lands of the Tohono O'odham Nation. We are nestled in the heart of Tucson, Arizona, a vibrant, culture-rich city, both presently and historically. This land was home to some of the earliest people in North America, the Hohokam, and we honor and respectfully acknowledge the indigenous nations that have stewarded this land since time immemorial. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the Tohono O’odham and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.


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