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Din Don Restoration Update

Our ball machine team has been busy meticulously cleaning, repairing and reconstructing Din Don, a monumental ball machine sculpture from Kobe, Japan made by famed kinetic artist George Rhodes in 1992. Once the restoration is complete, the sculpture will again be disassembled, crated, and then make its way back to Kobe Harborland with Creative Machine’s ball machine team. From there, they will piece the sculpture back together and get it ready to bring joy and wonder back into the lives of those who visit Kobe Harborland for years to come! Look back at our other Din Don blog post from when the sculpture arrived at our workshop, and check out the photos below to see a detailed glimpse into the restoration process. Stay tuned for more updates!


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Creative Machines Inc.

4141 E. Irvington Rd.

Tucson, Arizona 85714


Our Creative Machines shop is located on the ancestral lands of the Tohono O'odham Nation. We are nestled in the heart of Tucson, Arizona, a vibrant, culture-rich city, both presently and historically. This land was home to some of the earliest people in North America, the Hohokam, and we honor and respectfully acknowledge the indigenous nations that have stewarded this land since time immemorial. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the Tohono O’odham and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.


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